Remembering our diving buddies - a review of 2024
Sadly, this year marked the passing of two KSAC members, Tony Hanrahan and Colie Tubridy, who are remembered for their good humour, the friendships they formed and their commitment to club acitivities. Tony was a former Diving Officer, a longstanding photographer and an enthusiastic participant in club activities for many years. Colie brought club members to Shannon pool in his minibus before deciding to join in with the club. After moving on, he still remained a loyal supporter of the Christmas Day swim. We have our memories of the activities we shared with them and the many conversations and laughter.
As in other years, 2024 was a busy one for our club, with the diverse number of activities we are involved in. The year was a little out of the ordinary for presenting some remarkable sights of nature. The Northern Lights were present in all their glory at our latitude. 20204 also saw a return of the largest fish we are likely to see in our waters, the basking shark, which is now a protected species even as its life cycle remains not fully understood. But the underwater environment also throws up wonders at every size, from the minute scale up to the mid-sized fish species we might see only once a year. Snorkelling and scuba diver are also about the friendships made and the experiences shared, and the pleasure of immersing ourselves in seawater in suits that we expect to keep us comfortable for the duration of our dip, or simply being out on the water, enjoying the sea and the location.
Thank you for your continued support. Proceeds from our fundraising efforts help fund the club’s voluntary Search & Recovery activities, carried out in conjunction with our national governing body, Diving Ireland. It also helps with our ongoing aim of expanding from our current location, where we have been based since 1982, to a new Regional Dive Centre that we hope will promote participation in and appreciation of the sea world to a wider circle of people.
Wishing everybody a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
As in other years, 2024 was a busy one for our club, with the diverse number of activities we are involved in. The year was a little out of the ordinary for presenting some remarkable sights of nature. The Northern Lights were present in all their glory at our latitude. 20204 also saw a return of the largest fish we are likely to see in our waters, the basking shark, which is now a protected species even as its life cycle remains not fully understood. But the underwater environment also throws up wonders at every size, from the minute scale up to the mid-sized fish species we might see only once a year. Snorkelling and scuba diver are also about the friendships made and the experiences shared, and the pleasure of immersing ourselves in seawater in suits that we expect to keep us comfortable for the duration of our dip, or simply being out on the water, enjoying the sea and the location.
Thank you for your continued support. Proceeds from our fundraising efforts help fund the club’s voluntary Search & Recovery activities, carried out in conjunction with our national governing body, Diving Ireland. It also helps with our ongoing aim of expanding from our current location, where we have been based since 1982, to a new Regional Dive Centre that we hope will promote participation in and appreciation of the sea world to a wider circle of people.
Wishing everybody a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
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Christmas Day swim 2024
Members of the community in Kilkee joined club members for the annual Christmas Day swim in Kilkee. As always, it was a great way to have a dip and meet up with old friends and acquaintances.
KSAC Run/Walk postponed With regret, Kilkee Sub Aqua Club has decided to postpone its annual 5-kilometre/10-kilometre walk/run which was due to take place on Tuesday, December 31 - New Year's Day. Because of high winds forecast, the event will now take place on the first weekend of February. Details to follow.

Above: The Kilkee Sub Aqua Club calendar 2025 (picture: Mark O'Leary)
Calendar 2025
The Kilkee Sub Aqua Club Calendar 2025 is now for sale for €10. A colourful addition to the Christmas stocking, it has stunning pictures of Kilkee and surrounding areas, above and below water. Get it in local shops in Kilkee, in the Next Door off-licence in Kilkee, Kilrush or the Gort Road Shopping Centre, Ennis, or from any club member.
The Kilkee Sub Aqua Club Calendar 2025 is now for sale for €10. A colourful addition to the Christmas stocking, it has stunning pictures of Kilkee and surrounding areas, above and below water. Get it in local shops in Kilkee, in the Next Door off-licence in Kilkee, Kilrush or the Gort Road Shopping Centre, Ennis, or from any club member.

KSAC CELEBRATES 42nd ANNIVERSARY: Kilkee Sub Aqua Club recently celebrated its 42nd anniversary after it was founded by a group of enthusiasts in 1982. Feels like yesterday...
Above: Swimmers at Kilkee during the 20204 Christmas Day swim.

Diving at the Blue Pool, Captain's Hill, Co. Clare. Picture by the late Tony Hanrahan
OILEAN NA BATHA: Oileán Na Bátha- Place of Mystery, Tales of Survival: Article by the late Noel Gleeson.
Adventurous dives at Illaunabaha. Read here
GALWAY RECOMPRESSION CHAMBER: The Recompression Chamber (RCC) in University College Hospital, Galway (UCHG) is the closest facility for emergency treatment of divers and is run on a voluntary basis by members of Galway Sub Aqua Club. The Chamber is available 24/7 for emergencies. Divers, DOs, DODs etc. who suspect decompression illness should contact the Coastguard (999/112 or Ch. 16) as soon as possible and request recompression treatment.
Adventurous dives at Illaunabaha. Read here
GALWAY RECOMPRESSION CHAMBER: The Recompression Chamber (RCC) in University College Hospital, Galway (UCHG) is the closest facility for emergency treatment of divers and is run on a voluntary basis by members of Galway Sub Aqua Club. The Chamber is available 24/7 for emergencies. Divers, DOs, DODs etc. who suspect decompression illness should contact the Coastguard (999/112 or Ch. 16) as soon as possible and request recompression treatment.